A man found a lamp and came out a Genie who is willing to grant him a wish. The Russian smiles slyly and says, “In my village, I have a neighbor who has a cow. I do not have a cow. I wish that my neighbor’s cow shall sicken and die.”

We envy: status, wealth, popularity, power, actions. To envy another is a dull action, because it leads to nowhere, we only expect the other to be miserable without doing anything. Envy corrodes our soul and drains our capacity to work, because we waste energy comparing to what the other is doing. To envy takes to people, but jealousy take three people.

When we envy, we compare to people similar to us, we do not envy people from the last century or from the past, they only create admiration (like Motzart and his talent), but when we compare to others who are similar to us we tend to envy them. As if we are being victims of an unjust action or situation.

It is ok to envy another, if we aspire to be like them and improve our lives. To envy is to take poison an expect the other to die, it is worthless and we end up being hurt, instead of making a change.

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